

Kotira Uva

North Tairora

Language: [tbg]TairoraTairora
Dialect:North Tairora 
Title:Kotira UvaNorth Tairora
Abbreviation:ID: TBGWBT or tbg
Copyright © 1979, 1994, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2012 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
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The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the North Tairora Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen na sampela hap Olpela Testamen long tokples Tairora long Niugini

Tota hoqarero Kotiva naaruvavata vatavata autu kero vatora.

—Genesis 1:1

Sipisipi qova koqeva nai sipisipiqaa raqikintema kero, Noravano Kotiva tiqaa raqiki vaimanta kia te vo haikaravata aavoqunara.

—Psalm 23:1

Kotiva niqaa raqikiainarave, Kotiva niara avuqavu varia vaiinti nahentikave tiainarave, virara noraiqamake iriqi vuate. Ne virara naane noraiqaake iriqi vivaro Kotiva viva ne rante vai haikara, ekaa vi haikara vi haikara ni nimianarove.

—Matthew 6:33

Variqa Kotiva vataini variakara voqamakero muntuka vateharora tiro, viva nai Maaqu vohaiqa vatataira tinavu timiro. Mintirara ti, vaiinti nahenti vira Maaquara quqaave tika kia qutuvi taiqa viraiti, vika ekaa enta ekaa enta qaqi variqi vivara.

—John 3:16

Tenavu kankomake irunarave: Nai antuqavano vaina kaiqara varaate tiro, Kotiva naarama tai vaiinti nahentika, Kotirara muntuka vataaka, vika vaivaro vo haika vo haikavano vikaqaa qovaraiqirera, kiama vi haikava vi haikava vika qoraiqama nimitairaro Kotiva vi haikara varakero vi haikaraqohairo vika koqema nimitaqiro vuanaro.

—Romans 8:28

Kotira Uva

The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the North Tairora Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen na sampela hap Olpela Testamen long tokples Tairora long Niugini

copyright © 1979, 1994, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2012 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Tairora
Dialect: North Tairora
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2021-05-26